Muse is a 7 ½ minute silent video of a dog sitting on a large cushion, looking directly at the camera. The scene is still but for the slight movements of the dog. The setting is a nondescript outdoor space walled in by concrete blocks. There are ferns in the background but no breeze rustles them. The dog stares out at the viewer. He tilts his head. His ears rise and settle. At times, he twists his neck and rests his head on his body. At his feet lies a heap of white stuffing from a dismembered toy lying to his left. A small piece of the stuffing hangs from the dog’s mouth. His nose pulses as he gazes at the viewer. His eyes drift away for a moment then snap back; his ears pricked. The silence causes one to interpret the dog’s gestures as a reaction to oneself. In the end, the dog turns away.